Tagged: indiegame

VIDEO: Indiegame À Gogo: Super Sanctum TD 0

VIDEO: Indiegame À Gogo: Super Sanctum TD

You might know Tower Defense games, but do you know this one? You might know Sanctum, which is a tower defense played from the first perspective. This is what in the gaming industry is called a ‘demake’ of said game. It features a top down perspective, with pixel art reminiscing of the monsters and guns from Sanctum. The game is made by the guys from Coffee Stain, which have gained recent fame with the physics sandbox ‘Goat Simulator’. This fun little tower defense game is also very, very cheap. On...

VIDEO: Indiegame à gogo: Reus 0

VIDEO: Indiegame à gogo: Reus

Reus is a game. An indiegame to be precise. It is made by Abbey Games, a small Dutch developer based out of Delft. Delft is practically in my backyard, within cycling distance. This might have made me a bit biased towards the game, but I think it deserves greater exposure. While my youtube video might not be exactly what causes a greater exposure, it sure is a start. Reus is a god-game of some sort, combined with a lot of elements that make it stand out from the standard. It’s...