Tagged: effect


The Effects on Political Trust of Political News-Watching among Seniors

For my masters in Political Communication I got the assignment to write a research essay on political trust, combining elements from the course literature with statistical data taken from existing databases (such as PewResearch, World Value Survey or the European Social Survey). Since it was graded with an 8.7/10, I feel confident enough of sharing it online. You can find it below through Scribd – please keep in mind that uploading it kind of messed with the layout so it doesn’t 100% represent the final product. You can read through...

Preview: Mass Effect 3 0

Preview: Mass Effect 3

There are few game series which have captivated my attention as Mass Effect has done. At the time of Mass Effect’s release, I was writing for a few game-related websites. Columns, reviews, news, and even previews. I had been paying special attention to Mass Effect. I even went to a special game conference at the time, where I could play the first mission on Eden Prime prior to the release. I was sold. I would get Mass Effect, no matter what. The game itself wasn’t a dissappointment. It was better...