Tagged: tower defense

VIDEO: Indiegame À Gogo: Super Sanctum TD 0

VIDEO: Indiegame À Gogo: Super Sanctum TD

You might know Tower Defense games, but do you know this one? You might know Sanctum, which is a tower defense played from the first perspective. This is what in the gaming industry is called a ‘demake’ of said game. It features a top down perspective, with pixel art reminiscing of the monsters and guns from Sanctum. The game is made by the guys from Coffee Stain, which have gained recent fame with the physics sandbox ‘Goat Simulator’. This fun little tower defense game is also very, very cheap. On...

Super Monday Night Combat, a fun and FREE game. 0

Super Monday Night Combat, a fun and FREE game.

So, it’s about this time when everybody has finished their exams and has got nothing to do. What do you do? Hang out with your friends? Go to the beach? Well, for me it’s crawling behind my PC to find some new games worthy of playing. One of these is ‘Super Monday Night Combat’, a game you can get for free. “Free?” I hear you asking? Yes. Not the pirating-way, but really free of all charge. Only thing you need is to register for a steam-account, and download the game...