Team Foster Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo || ACC Custom Livery

It’s been a while since I published a livery, with good reason: I went on holiday to South East Asia. And before that, I was rushing to finish most of your commissioned liveries. I originally planned to publish this livery before I hopped on the plane to Indonesia, but unfortunately, I ran out of time.

This particular commission came on behalf of a non-profit organisation called Team Foster this person wanted to promote. This non-profit aims to help US veterans by providing them with trained service dogs. If you want to know more about this non-profit, feel free to click on the linked page!

I got free reign to make a livery themed around the non-profit’s colour scheme, consisting of blue, white, and red. I used two shades of red and white, contrasted by bare carbon. These are arranged in long, sweeping lines which flow towards the back of the car.

I purposefully did not use blue in the livery itself, to have the Team Foster logo stand out more. Since I am not a trained designer, I don’t know if this is even a thing in design school, or if I were wrong to do so. In the end, it doesn’t even matter, because my client was delighted with the result – and I myself am too!

Do you want to download and use the final livery? Feel free to do so by clicking the big red bar below which leads you straight to my shared Google Drive from which you can download the files (free of charge!).

Download the Team Foster Mercedes AMG GT3 livery here

Do you want to request or commission a livery instead? Follow these steps here.

If you wish to donate, feel free to use to aid me in server costs and the like. With enough donations, I may be able to turn off the Google ads!

Team Foster Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo livery – studio shots

Team Foster Mercedes AMG GT3 Evo livery – action shots


If you like this, please consider following me on Twitter (@FelixDicit) and Instagram (@felixdicit) as it helps me increase my reach. Subscribe to my Youtube channel to stay on top of all my newest liveries. Also, feel free to share this post yourself with people you think might enjoy making their own fantasy liveries!

Do you want to make your own custom liveries? You can! I explain how to do it in this post.



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