Welcome to this page, dedicated to getting me a job. Since I’ve been out of a regular job for quite some time, this is as good as any place to advertise myself to any prospective recruiter. If you want to have more insight into my persona, I kindly refer you to my ‘about‘ page. This page is for listing reasons why anyone should hire me, and linking past achievements.
What type of jobs should you hire me for? Well, that depends as I have multiple sets skills and knowledges. From work experiences, I know a lot about customer relations and marketing. From my educational experiences, I have learned a lot about politics, communications, and again: marketing. Due to practical experiences, unrelated to work or education, I have learned to write engaging articles dedicated to specific audiences, design using Photoshop, and last but not least: marketing.
The type of job which would generate my interest would be a strategic or advisory role, with a touch of practical application in the world of communication. (Re-)Writing texts for small or large business owners (both internally and externally), handling customer or public relations, making designs and/or pictures which will do well in the world of social media (especially reddit): these are the fields in which my employment to your company would be a real addition. If you agree (and I hope you will) feel free to contact me through one of the options in the sidebar.
In short, services I can provide:
- Fresh webcontent, written specific for your target audience (in English or Dutch).
- Translation services (English > Dutch, Dutch > English) capturing the essence of the source.
- Proper marketing through the appropriate channels.
- Engagement with audiences and/or customers.
- Market research on improving existing services or exploiting new opportunities.
I write (and have written) for a large number of outlets next to this blog. If you want to read some good examples of articles I have written for this blog, I have a list of suggested reads available here. I will list my external publication outings below in chronologically descending order, as well as a link to an example of an article I have written for the outlet;
- Onlinekabelshop.nl (webshop) – “Valentijnsdag met Onlinekabelshop“ (Dutch)
- DutchCowboys.nl (tech news) – “2015 Ford Shelby GT350 Mustang” (Dutch)
- Nieuwspraak.nl (political news) – “De Russische Anschlüß is in volle vaart bezig” (Dutch)
- GamingOnly.nl (gaming news) – “Xbox Live Arcade Review: Ikaruga” (Dutch)
- Budgetgaming.nl (gaming community) – “Red Ring of Death” (Dutch)
If you want me to write for your outlet, webshop, or company (either for your intranet, or to a wider audience), again, feel free to contact me through one of the options listed in the sidebar.
Social Media
For my personal experiences, I don’t rely heavily on Twitter or Facebook. Instead, I focus on reddit as a social medium. Over the years, I have had a lot of succesful posts on my account by the username ‘FelixR1991‘. My activities on reddit vary, I am a recognizable user in both the Dota2, Dutch and Formula 1 spheres on reddit. I manage several subreddits, most notably /r/Beaverknight (dedicated to a very popular Dutch Dota2 player), /r/MaxV (dedicated to Dutch Formula 1 driver Max Verstappen), /r/F1Art (dedicated to fan-made Formula 1-related art) and another big yet hidden Formula 1 discussion subreddit.
Notable succesful posts are listed below:
- “President Putin is visiting Amsterdam” (/r/pics)
- “This Pigeon is wearing a bread jacket” (/r/mildlyinteresting)
- “Yesterday, I asked Reddit about a game. Today, this. Never thought this would happen to me.” (/r/gaming)
- Follow up: “[…] I made this gameplay walkthrough” (/r/gaming)
- “The difference new engines make in Formula 1” (/r/videos)
Do you intend to run an AMA (‘Ask Me Anything’) on reddit, or have other questions related to social media, again, feel free to contact me through one of the options listed in the sidebar.
09/2015 – 07/2016: Master’s in Political Communication (Graduate School of Communication, Amsterdam)
As part of an international body of students, I excelled in this one year’s Master’s education while retaining a 24-hour a week job. This study combined my major and minor into easily the most interesting and enjoyable courses, ranging from the marketing of political candidates to the diet and reception of political news by the electorate. My focus in my Master’s thesis (supervised by Yphtach Lelkes, PhD) was the reception and deliberation of political candidates in the run up to the 2016 US Elections on social media platform reddit.
09/2010 – 10/2014: Bachelors in Political Science (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam)
Next to the usual courses, such as on national and foreign policy, state-law, democracy and justice, I opted to follow courses on political theory and behaviour. In my later courses I focused more on political resistance, mainly found online. My bachelor’s thesis detailed the rise and fall of hacking-collective ‘Anonymous’ as a representation of millennial interest groups (supervised by drs. Fadi Hirzalla). Within this degree, I chose Communication Science as a subject for my minor. Among my electives for this minor I remained close to my main topic – politics.
Design and Webdesign
I learnt myself Photoshop when I was about ten years old, a skill which I still benefit from to this day. Not only is every tiny graphical element on this blog a direct result of that, I dabble in a lot more than just this. While most of my experience of retouching photographs is rendered void by Instagram, there are still some things which Instagram and Snapchat can’t do. To be completely honest: yes, the picture to the right has been slightly updated, making my eyebags less noticeable, removing a beautymark on my lip, and removing a couple of pimples in the process.
If you want to see more of my work regarding (web-)design, I have another page dedicated to all of my designs posted to this website here. I know the basics of HTML and CSS, enough to manipulate existing code to my liking, but (to be fair) not enough to write from scratch. This website runs on a pre-existing template (Sentio), although it is heavily modified with custom code.
If you want me to help put your vision to the screen, again, feel free to contact me through one of the options listed in the sidebar.
Other graphical/webpage designs include:
Old headers:
Subreddit CSS-designs:

CSS for /r/MaxV

CSS for /r/Beaverknight
Old backgrounds:

Previous (lighter) version of the current background

My desk, from which I write this blog, is as good as anything to serve as a background – giving the user the same experience reading my site as I have writing it.
Study related designs:

Poster for a fictitious Amnesty International Campaign

Logo for a fictitious second Scottish referendum