ACC wallpapers part 2: Five more before and after edits!
Since people liked my ACC wallpapers, I felt motivated to keep making them. The past couple of days I made five more wallpaper-worthy photoshops. Below you can find the ‘before’ and ‘after’ picture to each of these five edits. I feel like I am really hitting a style that I (personally) like. If you want me to a commission, feel free to send me a message on
If you like these, be sure to keep up with my latest work by following me on Twitter or Instagram!
Coach Dave at Spa
Mike Nobel at the SRO Event
Narrow escape at Monza
Duel of the Dunes
Moonlit Misano
Thanks for watching, and again: if you like these, be sure to keep up with my latest work by following me on Twitter or Instagram!
1 Response
[…] style I felt I was developing in part two I feel evolving with every edit I publish. I experiment a bit with motion blur, gaussian blur, […]