Holiday (Steam-)Game Giveaway 2013!

The holidays are fast approaching, which means it is time for the annual Holiday Game Giveaway! Last year’s giveaway was an unbridled success, so I’ve decided to do another one this year. There are some new rules though, but also some new games to be given away! Read on to know more.

The Rules:
In order for you to be eligible to receive a free game on Steam, you’ll have to fill in the survey below. It’s just 10 questions, and you’ll be done with it in under two minutes. The other prerequisite, is that you have to like the ‘’-facebookpage on December 25th. On that day I will review the submissions on the form and will check every contestant on the facebook page. After that, I will choose the winners via, a website dedicated to pick random numbers. Numbers will be assigned in order of submission of the survey.

The Games:

  • 5x Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3
  • 2x Super Hexagon
  • 2x Trine
  • 1x Trine 2
  • 1x Audiosurf
  • 1x Super Amazing Wagon Adventure
  • 1x McPixel
  • 1x Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Note: this selection is not final, and I will probably make tiered bundles out of games for prices.

The Survey:

Click this link to go to the survey.


Final thing for me to say is: happy holidays!



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