Tagged: netherlands

Koornbrug 1900

Drawing: Koornbrug ca. 1900 (prints for sale)

Leiden is a magical place, filled with history reaching back well into medieval times. It played an essential role in the war against the Spanish. From May until October 1574,...

#Storm 0


Snowden Requests Asylum in 21 Countries, but why? 2

Snowden Requests Asylum in 21 Countries, but why?

Edward Snowden, the current most famous whistleblower on this blue pearl drifting along the universe, has requested asylum in 21 countries across the globe. Some Latin-American, like Bolivia, Brazil, Nicaragua,...

LIVEBLOG: Dutch Elections 2012 1

LIVEBLOG: Dutch Elections 2012

Today is election day in Holland. The first results are turning up, and I’ll be liveblogging the whole event. The big question is Europe, yes or no. Do we send...

Our final shot. 0

Our final shot.

Being a Dutchman isn’t something to be proud of, this last week. At least, when you’re talking football. The Danish beat us by surprise with a 0-1 victory, and the...