WEDNESDAY’S WEEKLY [18] (Week 22, 2012)

ZZZZzzzOwhat?! I need to write another weekly? Fuck. I was already half asleep. You would have to excuse me, I woke up at 5:30 this morning, making sure I didn’t overslept. What was so important? Oh, just one of my last exams of the year. After friday, I only have to write two more essays and then it’ll (hopefully) be my holiday. But for now, I’m studying like crazy.

I did, however, take some time off the books to see the Dutch 11 be victorious over Slovakia. The game itself was boring as hell. I think the Dutch goalkeeper, Stekelenburg, had the most possession of the 22 players on the pitch. Instead of looking forward, everybody was walking backwards towards the own goal. I don’t know if that’s part of van Marwijk’s masterplan, but it sure isn’t attractive to see.

Anyway, I’m tired. I’m off to bed. Tomorrow will be another long day in the University Library.



Let me know what you think!