WEDNESDAY’S WEEKLY [27] (Week 48, 2012)

As promised, another weekly. I tend to keep my promises, for a while at least. So lets see how far I can go on this particular promise. I’ll start of by what I’ve done so far this week, and what I plan on doing after this is posted. First things first, I’m trying out some new things for the blog, due to new programs becoming available. For one, every new post is going to feature automatically on the If you like to keep up to date, you can click ‘like’ in the box to the left, and every new post will feature directly on your facebook wall. Isn’t that neat? This way, I don’t have to do anything extra to spam you with messages! Oh, and it sends out an automatic tweet as well, so follow my twitter to be spammed on multiple platforms. I’m an evil genius, I know.

I’ll be fiddling with the layout a bit, but I don’t think much will change. If it does, you will probably notice it anyway. Some more news on the replacement for ‘the 5’ I’ve been cooking up, It’s probably going to be called ‘7 WTFacts’. Or not. You’ll notice when the first one goes live and gets spammed on both your twitfeed and facebookwall. Why 7? Because in Western civilization, ‘7’ is considered to be a lucky number. And my name means ‘luck’ in Latin. See the connection?

That’s it about the blog. Now about me. What is going on in my life? Not much. I’m trying to lose some weight, which isn’t really working. I’m on a diet of yoghurt (0% fat), knäckebrod, water, coffee and tea (no sugar!), but in the approximate 50 days I’ve been eating this spartan diet, nothing has changed. Probably from the lack of physical excercise. I try to du sit-ups and push-up regularly, but just like posting on this blog, I seem to fail doing just that.

Because of that, I’m trying to find something to help me with that. I’ve always been a fan of rowing-ergometers, and I’m trying to find a decent one relatively cheap. It’s not easy to decide which one to buy, mostly because there aren’t a lot of showrooms where you can try the machines out, and a lack of reviews prevents me of buying one online. I’d rather not squander my money on a faulty product. Luckily, there are some holidays coming up (‘Sinterklaas’, Christmas and my birthday), so I can expect a little financial contribution from my parents.

While I’m still looking for the right one, you can find me in the University Library. Another exam is coming up next Tuesday, and I have to study for a bit to get a passing grade.

There you have it. I hope you are content with this content. (haha)

Felix Dixit.

Please, let me know what you think!