Game of Thrones season 2 teasertrailers 0

Game of Thrones season 2 teasertrailers

I can’t believe I’ve been this fired up about a second season of a television-series. Movies, yeah, but series? No. HBO has done magnificently in turning the book-series into a...

Wednesday’s Weekly (week 5, 2012) 2

Wednesday’s Weekly (week 5, 2012)

Hi there, my new reader. First of all, welcome to my blog. Second, welcome to my new weekly column, which features a little bit of everything. What I’m doing, what...

And so it begins… 1

And so it begins…

Today, I wanted to watch the new HIMYM-episode, so I went to ThePirateBay to download it from my favourite uploader. Downloading has always been legal in Holland, but uploading hasn’t....

Pledges, season 2. 0

Pledges, season 2.

Last year, a Dutch public broadcasting network called BNN came with a new series called ‘Feuten’, or pledges. It was ‘based’ upon the dealings of Dutch fraternities. It featured ridiculously...

Finally, a .com! 0

Finally, a .com!

I’m now finalising the transition between a static blog and my own blog, be it powered by wordpress. It was a difficult process. Ups and downs. The layout, as...

Hey look! I’m a pro-photographer! 0

Hey look! I’m a pro-photographer!

For the last few days, it has finally been freezing. Last night, the first snow of the year fell from the sky. I had to take a haircut, so I...

‘A Dangerous Method’, reviewed. 3

‘A Dangerous Method’, reviewed.

I stumbled upon this movie by accident. It has a 7.0 rating on IMDb and features Keira Knightley, Michael Fassbender and Aragorn. Because it’s a costume drama, I didn’t really...