The Lamborghini SuperTrofeo Retrospective

The SuperTrofeo is finished. In my eyes, it was largely a success. Because I’m a huge statistics nerd – and to learn from this championship on the road to the next one – I like to dive into the numbers generated by this championship. Furthermore, I ask our drivers how they experienced the championship in a survey, the result of which can also be read below.

The championship was won by Felix de Jongh (me!), followed by Pavel Dolezal and Oscar Pink in third. Below, you can view the final standings of the championship;

The final standings table of the SuperTrofeo

If you want to check out the individual races, I made videos for the first five out of seven events. Due to a lack of time on my part, I was unable to do the final two race videos.

SuperTrofeo General Championship Statistics

The Supertrofeo consisted of seven races. The first six were 40 minute races, the final race was a 90 minute endurance event (at Spa). The first two (Monza and Misano) were wet races, with the Misano race being driven in flooded conditions. The final race at Spa was also a wet race, but with dry periods inbetween. The rest of the races were driven in dry conditions.

Among all sessions, a total of 3824 laps were driven by a total of 132 entrants, covering a whopping 20,428,689 meters. Some more statistics:

  • On average, 18.9 drivers entered each race, with an average number of finishers at 16.1. This means that on average, 85.2% of the entrants finished the race.
  • Of the 3824 laps driven, 16.7% was driven in Free Practice sessions, 14.3% was driven under Qualifying, while 69% was driven during the race.
  • On average, each driver drove 154.7 km per race in our SuperTrofeo.
  • Monza, the first race, saw the biggest number of entrants (22, +6 over the Ginetta Cup).
  • Spa, the final race, saw the lowest attendance (15, +3 over the Ginetta Cup).
  • Races 1 (Monza), 3 (Imola 1) and 5 (Barcelona) saw the biggest number of finishers (18).

In terms of points scoring, a number of statistics can be derived from the scoring table:

  • Our drivers scored a combined total of 4004 points, or 133.5 points per driver on average.
  • The average points haul per race entry was 30.3 points.
  • If everyone participated in all races, the average points would have been 212.3 points.
  • The championship winner, de Jongh (469 points), scored 80.2% of the maximum possible number of points (6*75+135=585).

Looking at the entrants of the seven events, there were some notable statistics to be found:

  • A total of 30 different drivers competed (at least once) in the SuperTrofeo (+10 over the Ginetta Cup).
  • 20 drivers (66.7%) competed in a majority of the events (4 or more) (+5 over the Ginetta Cup).
  • 7 drivers (23.3%) competed in all events (-2 over the Ginetta Cup).
  • The SuperTrofeo saw a total of 10 nationalities taking part, with British being the most abundant nationality (9x), closely followed by Dutch (8x).
Distribution of the number of participation per driver

SuperTrofeo Driver Statistics

With these championship statistics done, it is time to get to the meat of things. How did each driver do? Well, firstly, lets look at the final standings in the championship below!

  • There were 6 different winners, with only 1 driver (Dolezal) achieving 2 victories.
  • 9 drivers achieved a podium scoring position (+5 over the Ginetta Cup).
  • There were 6 different pole sitters, with only 1 driver (de Jongh, a.k.a. me) achieving 2 pole positions.
  • 4 different drivers achieved fastest lap, with de Jongh (me) taking the honours 3 times.
  • 6 different drivers achieved the MVP bonus, with Scholtens and Krueger both earning it twice.
  • 11 drivers earned the Lucky Loser bonus, with Ginetta Cup winner Jongen ‘earning’ it 3 times.

Now, we get to the real interesting stuff. I created a performance matrix for both Qualifying results and the Race results for each race. This is done by dividing the individual result by the number of participants and taking an average of the resulting scores. The lower the number, the better. Greyed out names have not participated in the majority of races.

The resulting tables (as seen below) give a better indication of driver skill than just the points scoring distribution in the points table does, allowing us to better view the difference between the level of skill among drivers.

Qualifying performance matrix

These numbers indicate that de Jongh (me) was very strong in qualifying, with Marquardt and Pink being closely matched. This also shows how tight the midfield was, with positions 7 (Schuster) to 19 (Krueger) only being 0.22 apart.

Race performance matrix

Using these matrixes, we can make a scatterplot. Which is exactly what I did (see below). The more to bottom and to the left, the better the drivers’ performance. There are notable gaps between drivers, which I enhanced with some photoshop editing.

First, you have the top tier (featuring Riley and Myself), then the sub-top with Marquardt, Jongen, Pink, Schuster, Dolezal, Plate and Nobel (which is an outlier because Nobel did not qualify for one of the two races he participated in). Then you have the midpack, and on the top right you have the back of the field.

The scatterplot above gives quite a decent representation of driver skill, with some exceptions. If I had corrected for non-qualifying results and non-finishers, it would’ve been more accurate but it would have required more work.

These matrixes not only give information about the race or qualifying performance by our drivers, if you compare the two of them it shows the over- and underachievers in both race and qualifying sessions. For instance, Dolezal scored 0.39 in qualifying, but achieves a rating of 0.21 in the race results meaning that he has better skill in racing than in qualifying.

Likewise, my race rating is a bit lower than my qualifying rating, indication that I more often lose positions during the race than gain them, making me a qualifying over-achiever relative to my race pace. These differences are shown in the graph below.

Here, you can see the difference between Qualifying and Race performance. The closer to zero the value is, the more consistent the driver performed between the two sessions. A big negative difference means they performed considerably worse during races, while a large positive difference means they (probably) performed considerably worse during qualifying.

Championship evaluation

I sent out surveys to our competitors to evaluate the SuperTrofeo. In total, I got 14 responses.

  • On average, the SuperTrofeo was rated 6.9. The median was 8, the mode was 8 as well (distribution graph).
  • People rated their own performance a 6 on average, with the mode and median being a 6 as well (distribution graph).
  • The car’s driveability was rated a 5.9 on average, with the median and mode being a 6 (distribution graph).
  • Driving ettiquete in direct battles was rated an average 8, with mode and median being an 8 as well (distribution graph).
  • Driving ettiquete in indirect battles (overtaking backmarkers/being overtaken as a backmarker) was rated an average 6.4, with median 7 and mode 8 (distribution graph).
  • Racing on the Simracing.GP platform was rated very positively (5x rated a 4 out of 5, 9x a 5 out of 5) averaging 9.3 for the platform.

The Next Championship

This brings us to our next championship. I did not just ask the SuperTrofeo competitors what they wanted next, but expanded it to the community. Unfortunately, this only gave a further 7 respondents to bring the total to 21.

On the question what format to do for the next championship, 11 out of 21 respondents wanted another single-car championship. The next most popular option was limited multiclass (1 GT3 + 1 GT4 car) with 7 out of 21 respondents. So the next championship will be another single-car championship. But which?

I offered a number of options (7) to choose from. By far the most popular car with 14 out of 21 respondents voting for it?

The Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo.

The 2020 Ferrari 488 GT3 Evo will be our next subject!

I also asked our respondents which day they preferred racing on, as I received a number of complaints about the Friday we usually race on. It was a very close affair between Saturday (7/21), and Friday (9/21) and Sunday (9/21) receiving equal votes. I made the decision to change the race day to Sundays. Or did I?

The next Sprint Series championship is open to registration now. Click here to reserve your spot!

On Fridays, we’ll be running a different Ferrari Challenge series, this one focused on Endurance events. This will run on the same tracks as the other championship, but on Fridays. People could use this as practice for the Sprint Series, but the Endurance Series will largely be its own thing.

The next Sprint Series championship is open to registration now. Click here to reserve your spot!

I hope to see you race with us in either or both of these championships! For the latest news you can also follow me on twitter @felixdicit, or @the_pitbox and jump in our discord!



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1 Response

  1. April 28, 2021

    […] on the results of the survey ran within our community after the SuperTrofeo championship, the single car format proved the most […]

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