A closer look at the Superbowl movie trailers (part 2)

Well, here it is. Part 2 of the movie trailers which where shown during the halftime of the superbowl. Another four trailers for you to lay your eyes on, and some info to go along with it. I’ll dive right into the action down below.


Starring: Channing Tatum, Bruce Willis, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson
Synopsis: “When Cobra spy Zartan has most of the Joes assassinated, the remaining Joes band together to strike back.”

I don’t really know about America’s obsession with G.I. Joe. I know it was an animated series, but it wasn’t broadcasted over here in Holland. That being said, I don’t have the nostalgia or the knowledge about what the hell is going on. Who are these people? Why do they fight each other? I had the same thoughts during the first G.I. Joe-movie, and I guess I’ll have them again. Why is Bruce Willis in this film, when he wasn’t in the first? Okay, I get that the G.I. Joe’s are an organisation, and it’s not their real name, but can you make it any more confusing? I’m not going to see this one, not even looking forward to it. Sorry, American with nostalgia.



>> Watch Trailer Here <<

Starring: Woody Harrelson
Synopsis: “Set in a future where the Capitol selects a boy and girl from the twelve districts to fight to the death on live television, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her younger sister’s place for the latest match.”

I’m afraid this is going to be another Twilight, in it’s annoying-ness. I heard from my sister this is based upon some trash fantasy novel. At least (I hope) this movie doesn’t feature any glittery vampires. The only actor worth mentioning is Woody Harrelson, however, Woody turned out to be somewhat of a douchebag. I guess you can watch this if you are a girl. The fact that Miley Cyrus’s boyfriend plays the male lead, is even more agonizing. On the other hand, he is the young brother of Chris ‘Thor’ Hemsworth, so there might be some hope for him left. For this film? Nada.



Starring: Mark Strong, Willem Dafoe, Bryan Cranston, and more.
Synopsis: “Transplanted to Mars, a Civil War vet discovers a lush planet inhabited by 12-foot tall barbarians. Finding himself a prisoner of these creatures, he escapes, only to encounter a princess who is in desperate need of a savior.”

This one took me by surprise. With the title being John Carter, I suspected this would be another boring biopic about somebody who lived in the sixties. I couldn’t be more wrong. What I saw in the trailer, was comparable with a hybride between Mad Max, Star Wars and Avatar. It has some great, maybe lesser known, actors, it looks good, and if they don’t fuck up the 3D, this could be really worth my while. For the ladies, it seems that a guy named Taylor Kitsch plays the lead, but I’ve never heard from him. Since this is a Disney film, I think he is a one of their child actors grown up. Oh, and don’t think this has a lot of blood and gore, it’s still Disney.



Starring: Ed Helms, Danny DeVito, Taylor Swift.
Synopsis: “A 12-year-old boy searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. To find it he must discover the story of the Lorax, the grumpy yet charming creature who fights to protect his world.”

I know Dr. Seuss is known from the childrens’ books, but I’ve never had one read to me when I was little. I think this is another American thing. It is, as the trailer states, from the creators of Despicable Me, which was decent. It couldn’t match with the likes of Dreamworks of Pixar, but it was allright. I’ve seen worse. The lead voices are by Zac Efron and Taylor Swift, both Disney-(ex)teens. But, don’t worry, The Office US star Andy Bernard, or Ed Helms (also seen in The Hangover 1 & 2) has a big role too, and so does Danny DeVito. I think this movie can make me giggle at most, but then again, it’s more for people who are growing up, or have grown up, with Dr. Seuss.

Well, that’s it, glad that’s over with. Well, not quite. I noticed I haven’t put up the cinematic releasedates of each film inside the info, which could come in handy. I’ve ranked them by time of release, the first date is the American theatrical release, the second date is the Dutch’s.

Act of Valor – 24th of February, 17th of May
Dr. Seuss’ the Lorax – 2nd of March, 6th of April
John Carter – 9th of March, 8th of March
The Hunger Games – 23rd of March, 21st of March
The Avengers – 4th of May, 26th of April
The Dictator – 11th of May, 17th of May
Battleship – 18th of May, 19th of April
GI Joe 2: Retaliation – 29th of June, 23rd of August


Well, now it’s finally done. I hope you like it. I know which movies I’ll be going to (The Avengers, The Dictator and possibly John Carter) and I hope you do too. If you go to the cinema’s in Leiden, I might even see you. Or not. That’s just chance.

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