ACC Playercount Round-up: April 2020

April 2020 was another storming month for ACC, which saw another huge growth spurt in it’s player numbers. In this article I will follow up to last month’s round-up which was generally well received by you. As was said last month, I’m using data from both steamdb and steamcharts and implement them into my own spreadsheets, making my own easy-to-read graphs.

April 2020

April’s trendline starts exactly where we left off with March, at approximately 2,500 peak concurrent players. While the contained trend is slightly less steep than last month’s trendline, it still shows a very steady and consistent growth. Trendlines, however, are merely an indication. Let’s talk hard data.

This month’s highest peak was 3,477 peak concurrent players, achieved on sunday the 26th of April (duh). It’s lowest value was 2,462 on thursday April 2nd, giving a ~1,000 range between highest and lowest peak concurrent players. This peak is despite the delay on the promised 1.4 update, which could’ve seen it reach single-day record values (still 4,199).

April’s first week (week 14) averaged at 2,640. Week 15 dipped below that with ‘only’ 2,627. Week 16 started a definite upswing, with 2,835 average concurrent players making it the biggest week at that point. This was quickly improved again by week 17, boosted by both the SRO-event and F1 driver’s Albon and Leclerc streaming themselves playing the game. This ensured an average of 3,058 peak concurrent players in week 17 (20th-26th).

Taken as a whole, the month April saw an average of 2,860 peak concurrent players, a whopping 670 more than our previous biggest month (March 2020)!

2020 so far

Putting this into more context, you can definitely see the effect of Charles Leclerc playing the game to his audience. He brought on 10K+ viewers (~2K for Albon), all of them seeing them race and ram against a few lucky (?) players, my sister being one of them.

This new graph shows the average values of weeks in 2020, making sure that single-day peaks are rounded off in an average over the week and controlling for weekends, logically, having generally higher player numbers. The current week, by the way, already has an average which sits higher than the current highest week, with the weekend still to come.

All time counts

To put all of this in even more context, here is the chart showing both average peak concurrent, and average playercounts. Generally, the peak concurrent is two times as high as the average. Something which still holds true.

This graph truly shows the mad ride we’re on for the past couple of months. With 1.4 being delayed to May and the trend being what it is, I expect I have to change my Y-axis for this graph for next month since it would otherwise literally be off the charts. Pun very much intended.

Please let me know what you think of this write-up, and if you want to see anything added for next month’s write up!



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11 Responses

  1. July 2, 2020

    […] 2020 was a month of consolidation for ACC. After March’s consolidation and April’s crazy month, May still sees a big growth in average player count but not as big a change as last month’s […]

  2. July 3, 2020

    […] April 2020 […]

  3. December 16, 2020

    […] April 2020 […]

  4. January 8, 2021

    […] At this point, the hype around (and inherent potential of) ACC really started coming together. You can read my report on April here. […]

  5. May 1, 2021

    […] April 2020 […]

  6. November 3, 2021

    […] April 2020 (avg. 2860, +30.6%) […]

  7. January 1, 2022

    […] April 2020 (avg. 2860, +30.6%) […]

  8. April 5, 2022

    […] April 2020 (avg. 2860, +30.6%) […]

  9. May 2, 2022

    […] April 2020 (avg. 2860, +30.6%) […]

  10. February 2, 2023

    […] April 2020 (avg. 2860, +30.6%) […]

  11. June 5, 2023

    […] April 2020 (avg. 2860, +30.6%) […]