Design: MAX

For the average Dutchman, I’m not that much of a Max Verstappen fan. I am somewhat of an F1 hipster. The people who laughed at me as a teen for watching Formula 1? They have all suddenly devoted their Sunday-afternoons to watching Max do what they previously made fun of: drive in circles.
Nevertheless, I respect Max’ driving skills. I certainly hope he will be able to break Mercedes’ hegemony, which has lasted for far too long already.
Last week, I posted a design that combined Shepard Fairley’s “Hope” poster with a picture of Sebastian Vettel. As I wasn’t feeling quite done yet, I also made one of Max.
If you want to know more about the design process, I went more in-depth in my previous design’s post linked above.
The design: “MAX”

The above design is also available on my Redbubble-storefront, by clicking here. Whether you want this design printed on high-quality T-shirts, hoodies, mugs, stickers, or postcards: give Redbubble a shot. If you want to know more about the quality of Redbubble’s products, I bought and reviewed a previous design of mine. You can read my experiences here, or watch some previews of available products below!
Let me know what you think in the comments below. If you’d rather see it in a different colour, I might be able to make a variant (and upload it to Redbubble).
If you want to stay on top of my latest endeavours, you can follow me on twitter and instagram. I also occasionally post video’s on my youtube-channel if I find the time to do so.