WEDNESDAY’S WEEKLY [21] (Week 25, 2012)
Following Hollands shameful demise of the European Championship’s first round, I’d been feeling a bit down just like a lot of fellow Dutchmen. However, life goes on. And so, here’s a new Wednesday’s Weekly, this week containing more than one line of text! So, Felix, how have you been passing time this week, and what are you going to do for the rest of the week? Well, if you read further, you might come to know a thing or two.
After sunday’s 2-1 victory of Portugal over Holland, I went to bed. I had a fresh start monday, so I decided to clean my room for a change. It had changed (once again) in a pile of garbage. After approximately four hours of scrubbing, vacuum cleaning and whatnot, it became somewhat livable.
On Tuesday, I went to get a haircut. Because they have a system tracking all of your visits, the barber told me my last visit was in January. That’s five months ago. So yeah, a haircut was necessary. After that, I went to a barbecue at Njord with some of my housemates. They had some free beer to go along with it, but when they were out of the free beer, it was time for me to go. Yes, I’m that kind of leech. But I had other, better stuff to do than getting hammered.
Because today, I had a longtime appointment standing that I would go shopping with my mom. Yes, I still go and buy clothes with my mother. Why? Because free clothes. I got myself a new pair of jeans, a pair of shoes and some nice flip-flops. I had a drink with her and that’s where our paths split. I went to buy a book, and after a long search (I’d been in the store for about half an hour) I decided on buying the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’-collection. I already had them all, but after reading two out of five of the books while on vacation in Italy, they all started to fall apart. I never got around to reading the final three books in this grand collection by Douglas Adams.
Tonight is another night of work, just like tomorrow. I hope working two days in a row will get my body adjusted to the rhythm of sleeping between 7 AM and ~2 PM . It will have to, because falling asleep on the job is a no-no. I think I’ll bring my book. Or my laptop (because Minecraft). Or my Nintendo 3DS (for which I recently bought F1 2011, a 10€ racing game). Or all of them. I’ll probably bring all of them, so I can decide there which entertainment to use.
Anyone, that’s my week. How’s yours?