Today I felt like rowing. No, I’m not the rowing equivalent of Forrest Gump. But I did went to Njord to row. It’s been almost a year since my last time on one of these machines, so I expected to fail miserably. But, as it turned out, I wasn’t that bad. Yeah, it could’ve been much better, but I was still able to keep a steady pace. Results are after the jump:
For the first set, which you can see on the left, I set 10 minutes as the required time. With an average of 2m12s per 500 meters, this isn’t bad at all. It’s about 10 seconds more than I achieved last summer, but with some practice, I think I can improve to that level, even surpassing it. The second set was based upon distance, I put up 2222 meters to row, which I did in 10 minutes and 8 seconds, with an average of 2:17 per 500 meters. For a second set, after the first, I’m quite pleased with my recovery. Yes, I did have a ten minute break between the two sets, but this is promising.
Expect to see a lot more rowing results. I intent to train a lot more. Lose those extra pounds, and possibly winning a competition or two. It is possible, last year we made the finals. It all depends on the two new teammates we have this year.