Can you hear that? Yes? Wonder what it is? It’s the sound of progress! Yeah baby! After yesterday, I didn’t think I would row again today. Guess what. I was wrong. Pure Madness. But look at those numbers. Despite my blistered fingers, my stomach that hurts like hell, I’ve beaten my times from sunday. The first set of 10 minutes went in an average of 2:10.2, as opposed to 2:12.4. The second went in 2:12.9, which was previously 2:16.9 seconds per 5oom. It’s not much, but it’s only the first day. What’s really surprising is that my second set was much closer to my first as well, which means I’m not only improving on strength, but also on cardio.
PS: I’m sorry I’m only posting about rowing these last three days. But it’s the only exciting thing I’m doing at the moment, because all I do is writing essays and studying.