Category: Media

Design: Dota World

Three weeks ago I had an idea for a design – a spherical Dota World. In an hour or so, I put this idea to paper. That was the easy part. What followed was three weeks of painstakingly coming to terms with the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator, which I, at the time, was still a novice at. I learned through practice, and I am quite happy with the result. I am hoping to get this approved by Valve to sell during TI7, for which I uploaded the product here. If...


Bethesda No Longer Gives Out Review Copies In Advance. Good.

The latest drama in the strange world that is video games, is the fact that Bethesda (known for games like Skyrim, Fallout, and the recent Doom) has decided to no longer send out review copies ahead of the launch of their new games (note: just one day in advance). Games journalists, journalists, and gamers alike are outraged by this decision. This is yet another move by a big game publisher which tarnishes the trust between producer and consumer. At least, to the people who care enough about video games to...


Pokemon Go: Delving into the Statistics of Evolutions

Pokemon Go is taking the world by storm. I wrote an article about my first experiences with the game a few weeks ago. At the time, I was working on my master’s thesis, which was a quantitative content analysis. I performed that analysis with SPSS, a statistical program created by IBM. I used Pokemon Go to recharge the battery in between sessions, catching loads of pokemon. Mostly Weedles, Pidgeys and Rattata’s. Because I was in a statistical mood due to my thesis, I decided to keep track of evolutions, to...


Join the Debate: pick up your phone and forget the facts – they are too boring anyway.

With the United States general election coming up again, audiences are once again invited to join the conversation. To “use hash tag #TheDebate on Twitter”, or “vote on facebook”. To “follow the newest developments as they happen right from the source on this cool app, available for free on iOS and Android”, and “if you download it now, you can vote on who you think won the debate!” This increased participation is aimed at binding audiences and getting them involved with the program, but as recent research shows, is also...


I really like ‘Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans’, and maybe you do too!

‘Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans’ started airing a few months ago, and is currently halfway through its first season. I started watching it because of nostalgic reasons, but as the season continued, Sunrise’s new iteration in the Gundam franchise started to intrigue me. Not just the characters, but also the political games being played and the way the story doesn’t openly tell you what is going on, reminiscent of other modern anime such as Attack on Titan. Every new episode answers some questions, but also raises a multitude of new ones....


The Effects on Political Trust of Political News-Watching among Seniors

For my masters in Political Communication I got the assignment to write a research essay on political trust, combining elements from the course literature with statistical data taken from existing databases (such as PewResearch, World Value Survey or the European Social Survey). Since it was graded with an 8.7/10, I feel confident enough of sharing it online. You can find it below through Scribd – please keep in mind that uploading it kind of messed with the layout so it doesn’t 100% represent the final product. You can read through...


How To Make Dota 2 eSports Even Better

I love Dota 2. I love playing it, and I love watching live tournaments – online. However, something has started to bother me. While some teams get invited, they perform poorly. Exemplified by the victory of Team OG today, a new team which showed every directly invited team who’s boss. Do we really need direct invites anymore? If you’re like me, you just saw Team OG take a convincing victory over Team Secret in the final of the Frankfurt Major, taking 1.1 million dollar of prize money from the 3...


South Park; Destroying ‘Social Justice’ through Satire

For my Master’s in Political Communication, we got the assignment to write a ‘blog post’ of 500-600 words. The subject needed to be media and how they affected the discourse used in Politics. I decided to do things a little differently, instead writing about how media respond to a particular political trend in society. We were also encouraged to publish our blog post online. It isn’t exactly thorough, but still, here it is!  There’s a worrying trend making its rounds on the internet. The particular trend I am talking about...